Harvard's Quantitative Biology Initiative is searching for a new tenure-track assistant professor. This is a broad search -- we don't have any particular focus areas in mind. We are interested in people studying fundamental biological questions using quantitative, computational, theoretical, or experimental methods. The Initiative emphasizes cross-departmental interaction among our life sciences departments (including Molecular & Cellular Biology, MCB; Stem Cell & Regenerative Biology, SCRB; and Organismic & Evolutionary Biology, OEB) and our Physics, Statistics, and Chemistry departments, as well as our areas in our School of Engineering including Computer Science and Applied Math.
Ads are out now in the usual places, including Times Higher Education, Science, and LinkedIn. To apply, see https://academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/8405.
I'm on the search committee, a member of the MCB and Applied Math departments, and I'm happy to answer questions either here or by email.
I'd like to personally emphasize that a lot of what I hear about Harvard faculty searches isn't true. I do read your application and your papers; I'm perfectly happy to read a bioRxiv preprint, and I don't count your publications or your C/N/S papers or your citations at all. I want to recruit people from anywhere, not just from Boston or the Ivy League or the elite coasts; I grew up in rural Western Pennsylvania and I'd be happy to have some more people from coal mining towns here at Harvard, or indeed from anywhere else. Search committees here are taught about implicit bias, and we take steps to reduce implicit biases against women and minority candidates. Harvard does have a tenure track, has for years (unlike when I came up through the system), and junior faculty are supported and mentored. We have on-campus childcare, family-friendly policies, and we work hard to make two-body spousal hires work.
I strongly, strongly encourage you to apply, and not to take yourself out of our candidate pool because you think that Harvard's not going to look at your application for some cynical elitish reason you might have read on Twitter. Yes, we're looking for top-flight scientists, but my experience is that many top-flight scientists tend to be pretty uncomfortable with proclaiming (or even realizing) that they're top-flight scientists. Apply, and tell us the cool science you want to do.