Janelia has a scientific director-level position open in our computation and technology group:
"The Janelia Farm Research Campus of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute seeks an exceptional individual to lead a world-class technology effort in advanced computation, data analysis, and instrumentation design and fabrication. The Director of Janelia’s Advanced Computation and Technology group is responsible for leading an array of data-driven technology teams, ranging from data acquisition to data analysis. In collaboration with Janelia research scientists, this person must drive a strategic vision and set priorities for focused investment of effort in sophisticated engineering and computational technology, enabling Janelia’s two scientific goals:(1) understanding the basic mechanisms used by nervous systems to store and process information and (2) developing new methods for image acquisition and analysis. This individual may not necessarily be a neuroscientist or even a biologist themselves; rather, the ideal individual will have extensive technical and engineering expertise in some area of large-scale data analysis, while being excited about applying this expertise in fundamental neuroscience research."
We're running ads in all the usual places, and you'll find some more information about the position there: such as this one in Nature. Please spread the word. I'll be happy to answer questions about the position informally, for anyone who may be interested, or who may know someone who'd be interested.