Michele Clamp is building up Harvard's bioinformatics team on the college (Cambridge) campus, and she's got an open position in collaboration with Susan Mango's group:
The Mango Lab in the Harvard Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology in collaboration with the FAS Informatics Group seek a bioinformatician for genomics analysis. The successful candidate will primarily focus their work on the Mango lab, while embedded within a cohort of informaticians who develop and apply cutting edge approaches to a range of biological questions. Current projects within the Mango lab use genomics to study transcriptional regulation and chromatin dynamics during development. ChIP-seq, FAIRE-seq, RNA-seq, Oligopaint etc. are used to probe the chromatin landscape as cells transition from pluripotency to cell-fate commitment, and the successful candidate will collaborate with lab members to analyze the datasets. The remaining effort will be used to support groups in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) that use genomic approaches such as ATAC-seq, Chip-seq, FAIRE-seq, and related methodologies. This will include consulting with faculty groups, teaching workshops on statistical and informatics approaches for understanding these methods, and developing best practice recommendations and benchmarks.
For more information, or to apply, see here.