New manuscripts from the lab

A burst of new work from the lab is available over on our publications page. Summaries and backstories for three of these manuscripts, below the fold:

  • Steve Johnson and Elon Portugaly have submitted a paper on their collaboration to accelerate HMMER2 and implement the first prototype of jackhmmer. Don't be …


Our quest is at an end.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Four years in development, and a year in testing: HMMER3 has reached its first public production release. Do we have time for a beer and a small celebration before we write the manuscripts and move straight on to …

Position open at Rfam in Cambridge

The czar of Rfam in Cambridge UK, Paul Gardner, is advertising for a new co-czar. Jennifer Daub is off to New Zealand, which is great for Jen, but what will Rfam do without her? It's a great opportunity to bring more order to the world of noncoding RNAs, for someone …

bug #h77: hmmalign corrupts column before an all-delete column

Denis Schmidt (University of Frankfurt) has reported a critical bug against hmmalign in 3.0rc1.

Any time there is an alignment column consisting of all deletions, the code is supposed to remove the alignment column altogether; instead, it overwrites the previous alignment column with an all-delete column, which most likely …

HMMER 3.0rc1: HMMER3's release candidate 1

After a year of alpha and beta testing, HMMER3 is ready. Release candidate 1 is available for download as a tarball. It includes precompiled binaries for Intel/Linux systems, both 64-bit (x86_84) and 32-bit (ia32) platforms, and you may just copy these into some directory in your \$PATH if you …

Search open for new NHGRI Scientific Director

Francis Collins became Director of the NIH in August. Eric Green has now accepted Francis's previous position of Director of the NIH National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). That means Eric's position, Scientific Director of the intramural NHGRI research program, is now open. A search committee is forming, and I'm …

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