Tim Sackton's Harvard bioinformatics core, in collaboration with Catherine Dulac's lab in the MCB Department, is still searching for a bioinformatics scientist to work on single cell RNA-seq analysis in the mouse brain. See the ad in Science for more details!
The Harvard FAS Informatics group, led by Tim Sackton, has an open bioinformatics scientist position, to work with Catherine Dulac's lab on large-scale single-cell RNA-seq in mouse brain. For more information on the position and how to apply, see the ad on the Harvard jobs site.
It's come to my attention (one helpful email, plus some snarky subtweets) that the --cpu
flag of HMMER3 search programs may have a bad interaction with some cluster management software.
The --cpu n
argument is documented as the "number of parallel CPU workers to use for multithreads". Typically, you want …
Back in the 20th century, when Todd Lowe was a happy PhD student in my lab in St. Louis instead of toiling in irons as professor and chair at the Department of Biomolecular Engineering at UCSC, he wrote a program called snoscan for searching the yeast genome sequence for 2'-O-methyl …
Imagine you're a legal US resident, with a legal position in the US. You're away visiting your family in another country, and when you try to fly back home to the US, the US government won't let you back in. You could be a PhD student or a postdoc in …
Michele Clamp is building up Harvard's bioinformatics team on the college (Cambridge) campus, and she's got an open position in collaboration with Susan Mango's group:
The Mango Lab in the Harvard Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology in collaboration with the FAS Informatics Group seek a bioinformatician for genomics analysis …
Students actually showed up, so we really do have to teach the course. MCB112 Biological Data Analysis is now in its first week.
The tricksiest bit in the first couple weeks is bringing people up to speed in writing Python, for people who've never written code before. We trust in …
We have an open position for a new lab coordinator. Ads are running at Nature and elsewhere. Our LC is our point of contact for everything administrative that makes the lab run smoothly, including responsibility for our financial accounting/purchasing with both HHMI's and Harvard's systems, tracking our funding, managing …
I'm starting to plan a new Harvard course that'll be called Biological Data Analysis. Biology is going through a culture change. It's suddenly become a data-rich, computational analysis-heavy science. Are we going to outsource data analysis to bioinformaticians and data science specialists, or are biologists going to analyze their own …