
Belated congratulations to Rob Finn, who has moved to EMBL-EBI to lead the Protein Families team. The HMMER web services pilot project that HHMI has funded at Janelia, under Rob's leadership, is now in transition to EBI, and Rob and I will write more about this in the future.

Slightly-less-belated congratulations to Travis Wheeler, who has left the lab to start his new job as an assistant professor at the University of Montana this fall. The nhmmer software project and his lead role in the Dfam mobile element database moves with him. We mourn the death of our collaborator and friend Jerzy Jurka this past July. Together with Arian Smitand others, sometime soon we hope to have more to say about the legacy of Jerzy's seminal Repbase database.

Timely -- perhaps even premature -- congratulations to Eric Nawrocki, who is in process of accepting a position at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, where he seems likely to start in January. Eric will remain lead developer of the Infernal RNA homology search codebase. We'll probably have more to say about that too, and what it means for Infernal development and the Rfam structural RNA database.

It's getting a little underpopulated here in our Janelia monastery cells. But there's good reason for that, all part of the master plan... another exodus story that I'll post about soon.